How safe are you online, and how do you even know if your security has been compromised? Well, scammers and hackers present constant daily threats to our online presence. Any activity that gets performed online, from social media to email accounts, can get hacked. Operating an old account without an updated feature puts your entire online presence and newer account at risk of getting attacked by hackers. The pertinent question is; how do you tell if you are a victim of these attacks? Luckily, there are signs that, when noticed, are indicative of an online account getting hacked.

One of the tools that one can confidently use to check whether their email addresses have been compromised is known as “Have I been Pwned? This tool is quite effective in checking the security of one email accounts. The platform is quite effective and easy to use as one is only required to visit their platform and check whether their emails have been part of the data breach using the available tools. Also, the platform checks whether your email address has been used in suspicious public online. If the findings on this platform return in affirmation, this indicates that your email address is at risk.

The next step is securing your email accounts by changing their password with a strong password. Using a [password generator is highly recommended. Consequently, it’s important to avoid opening any suspicious-looking emails sent to your mailbox. It’s essential and critical to remain vigilant and look for any suspicious activity around your email account. Having a similar password for more than one account is a security risk, and it’s not advisable; one gets advised to change it immediately.

There is yet another effective and comprehensive platform and tool to check and ascertain whether you have been hacked. The DE hashed is slightly complicated compared to the “I have been Pwned “email check. Dehashed is a bit broad in its coverage as it can cover more than a single email address. Dehashed allows one to dictate the data sets they are looking for online. It will crawl the internet to ascertain whether there is any information regarding the search criteria available. The platform also goes a notch higher as it allows one to remove any data entries containing personal information.

One gets recommended to use Dehashed if they strongly feel compromised or their old username and password are no longer in use. Dehashed allows one to search for phone numbers, legal names, and addresses. The platform requires one first to create an account to search and c check for details regarding their online presence.