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Tag: iot

The Internet of Things Can’t Fail

You’ve probably used a connected device before- in fact, you may have used one while reading this. All of the connected devices you use in your daily life comprise something known as the “Internet of Things”. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is an interconnected web of all of the technological gadgets you use in order to make your life more efficient. One unfortunate reality of these devices is that they will fail sometime during their lifespan. Their failure may come unexpected, undesired, and may even cause you a bit of trouble. These failures, however, have the potential to come with far greater consequences.

Industries around the world have begun to adopt and integrate the usage of technologies within the Internet of Things into their everyday business operations. The potential for increases in efficiency and productivity provides great intrigue for corporations that are looking to take their enterprise to the next level. The pros do not come without potential cons, however. Depending on the nature of the industry adopting these technologies, the consequences of a software failure can be catastrophic. Forbes states that “industrial giants” such as GE, Siemens, and Bosch have begun to invest billions into the integration of technology within their daily operations. It is easy to imagine the repercussions that could occur as a result of a technological hiccup within a company as crucial to sensitive operations as Siemens or Bosch. Envision a scenario where a software-operated, industrial grade Bosch power tool blue screens, posing a serious danger to other machines and potentially other people as a result of an intermittent failure.

Despite this obvious potential for failure, the allure for more efficient means of production have thus far outweighed the fear of technological slip-ups, resulting in more and more companies investing resources into the Internet of Things. New platforms for jumping into the world of the IoT have begun to spring up within the industrial environment, making it easier than ever for companies to partner up and begin to utilize what this new technology has to offer. Some companies have even kick-started their own platforms, providing the opportunity to expand from within their own operations. However companies elect to delve into the IoT, it has become apparent that this is more than just a temporary trend- it has become equally as apparent, however, that the capacity for consequence means that these industrial technologies can not afford to fail.

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The Internet of Things and the Environment

The Internet of Things holds wild implications for how we interact with our environment and urban centers. Because IoT lets us track where we go, what we buy, and how much we waste, we could feasibly use it to help us live greener lives…or it could make us waste even more.

The idea of such innovation and connectivity often leads to an increase in conversation, both positive and negative, and debate. Of course, the introduction of IoT technologies is no exception. The focus of this debate is whether or not IoT will be harmful to our already decaying environment.

In the eyes of IBM Watson, the answer to that question is a resounding no. Thanks to the company’s contributions to IoT technologies, as well as their collaborations with companies like Siemen’s and KONE, the future looks bright for environmentally conscious companies around the globe.

For example, IBM-powered IoT technologies aid businesses in diminishing their carbon footprint by reducing pollution and enhancing building sustainability. In recent years, buildings using these IoT technologies have been able to analyze real-time data from sensors and use this gathered information to generate insights on how people use the office building.

By tracking these trends, building managers may be able to install certain devices to reduce energy waste, including: smart lights that brighten and dim in relation to the amount of natural lighting available; smart window shades that lower and rise to improve the efficiency of both the heating and cooling system; and buildings that create their own energy via solar panels and return the energy they do not use.

Additionally, IoT technologies have given way to pocket-sized sensors that can be used to track environmental changes such as air quality, radiation, water quality, and airborne chemicals. Such devices not only improve our ability to seek out effective solutions to environmental crises, but improve the lives and health of those inhabiting affected regions.

While these IoT technologies offer us the opportunity to change our world for the better, it is important to note that they are not inherently good. Such technologies can be used to the detriment of our environment, like in the growing epidemic of electronic waste (e-waste). Therefore, it is important to do our due diligence and promote awareness of such injustices, thus ensuring the continued development and improvement of these life-changing IoT technologies.

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